Implementing new features to my portfolio!

Ashish Agarwal

Published on Friday, Apr 26, 2024

Howdy, what's going on? I just want to show you my new features to portfolio!

I added 2 new features to my portfolio in just one day, and both are working! Let me get you to the main thing quickly!

The Newsletter

Because why not, I added a newsletter to my blog that you can use to get my blog in your email!

I don't think you and me to meet next time unless you subscribe my newsletter...

As you may already know, my blog depends on Hashnode Headless CMS, I recently discovered that I can also make subscriptions using it, so it's just like it as simple.

(I may re-design the subscription component soon)


And yeah, guestbook!!!

Just while editing this article, I implemented the sorting feature and the "___ time ago" feature, cool!

This guestbook looks great as well. I hope you may like it too!

Additionally, there's github authentication so you can see your github's name and profile picture!


Do you like my portfolio? Anyways, a try?

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